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College Union


The College Union of St. John the Baptist’s College of Education, Nedumkunnam has been active since its founding. The college union’s primary objective is to represent students’ interests. The College Union is the body that speaks for academics, employees, and learners. Its objectives are to enhance campus life, promote student welfare, and foster community development.

Mission and Vision

A thriving community centre, our college union brings together students, staff, faculty, alumni, and visitors. Our commitments are to leadership development, holistic education, and community enrichment. Together, we create a vibrant atmosphere where tradition and progress coexist and every voice is acknowledged. 

Aims and Objectives of College union

  • The College Union initially aims to be the voice for the students by representing matters concerning them.
  • In the spirit of our college’s mission statement, to collaborate with the faculty and administration in order to support the intellectual and personal growth of our students.
  • Plan activities after consulting with the designated Staff Advisor to the College Union and the Principal.
  • To encourage chances for students to enhance their sense of service, character, leadership, efficiency, and knowledge.
  • To encourage sports, arts and other cultural, educational, social or recreational activities those are incidental and beneficial to the above aims and objectives.

Activities of College Union

The current College Union would carry out the following set of tasks

  • To coordinate college events on official occasions.
  • To support academic matters for college administration.
  • Organizing festivals for the arts, culture, and sports
  • Offering to assist instructors and college administration voluntarily when needed. 
  • To put potential initiatives into action to improve chances for pupils.
  • To examine and comment on college policy upon request.
  • To schedule frequent review sessions for peer group evaluations each term.

Union Meetings

The College Union plans to meet every second Monday of the month at the college auditorium. Also, the next meeting time is communicated beforehand at the end of the previous meeting. The chairman will post a notice of meeting one day before the due date. For the meeting to proceed, at least one-third of the members must be present. . If the chairperson and vice-chairperson are unavailable, the secretary will chair the meeting. Any vote-related decision requires the presence of two thirds of the council to be considered valid. Every member will cast an oral vote on any decisions. The chairman will cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.

Election for Members of the College Union 

In accordance with the University Order, elections for a new College Union will take place each year. . The outgoing College Union would assist the designated Staff Advisor in helping to elect a new council
1. Two representatives will be chosen for each optional class.
2. Students will record their votes and propose representatives for their courses. Every student should have equal representation in the College Union, according to the liaison instructors.
3. The elected candidates for each optional will choose the people who will represent them in the College Union for the assigned posts. All procedures will be transparently overseen by the Staff Advisor during the election process.

Officers of College Union

  • The Chairperson
  • The Vice-Chairperson
  • The General Secretary (Deemed Treasurer)
  • Councillor to The University Union
  • Editor of the College Magazine
  • Arts Club Secretary
  • Secretary of Sports
  • Lady Representatives
  • Class Representatives
  • Sub-Editors of the College Magazine

Designated Staff Advisor

The principal will inform the College Union who the designated Staff Advisor is. Role of the Staff Advisor is:

  • Assist in the fair organization of elections for a new College Union and elections of officers.
  • Be a link between the College Union and management.
  • Give guidance for successful implementation of tasks taken over by the College Union.
  • Help ensure that elections for officials and a new College Union are conducted fairly. 

Closing the College Union

The activities of the College Union are initiated with the Oath Taking ceremony and end with the coordination of College Day celebrations. The general secretary has to present the College Union report during the valedictory function and get it signed by the principal. All financial matters of the College Union will end with the release of the college magazine on the day of College Day celebrations. They are free to continue supporting college initiatives linked to the Extension Services that the college offers to the public, even after the College Union officially closes.

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